Saturday, July 20, 2013

Doc's Chicken Roost....

.....applied for a #8 Beer License and was approved and issued on August 28, 1956, the first for the newly incorporated city. This ad announcing their Grand opening with new owners and management on March 27, 1964. Notice on the picture in the ad, Doc's name was removed from the Chicken Roost sign. Gateway Times ad.


  1. I was going through my mothers things and found a menu from the Chicken Roost. It looks brand new. I would like to donate it. She also had some pictures from the 50's of the Army base. If you give me your emal address I'll send pictures of what I have.

    1. Hi-I replied to your comment using my yahoo email hoping you would receive it. In case it did not go through, my reply is YES to the menu and any pictures you may have. You can use to email me directly. Thank you. Frank Vega
